Adult Catechesis

OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

         Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is a special process for non-Catholic adults who wish to enter into the Catholic Faith, for Catholics to renew their commitment to and knowledge of the Catholic Faith, and for baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, and/or Marriage. Each week we will meet to deepen understanding of Church doctrine, theology, Mass, sacraments, understand who the Pope is, and canonical requirements to become Catholic.

      We are all called to be disciples of Christ. Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in becoming a devoted and practicing Catholic to attend these meetings.

OCIA (English Speaking Adults):

For further information and to sign up for OCIA, please call the parish office at 302-856-6451.

HSP OCIA (Spanish Speaking Adults):

Classes meet on Sunday morning in SMACR1 at 8:00 AM.
The semester begins September 1, 2024.

For further information and to sign up for OCIA, please call the Religious Education office at 302-856-0907.

HSP Adult First Communion and Confirmation (Spanish Speaking Adults):

Classes meet on Sunday morning at St. Michael the Archangel in SMACR2 at 10:00 AM.
The semester begins September 1, 2024.

For further information and to sign up for OCIA, please call the Religious Education office at 302-856-0907.

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