For our brothers and sisters in active duty in the Military, keep them safe, and for those who have given their life for our freedom,
For the people of every nation, that they live their lives with courage and find true peace,
For nations and people in conflict, that they will seek resolution through your love,
For all those who feel loneliness or loss, that they will find companionship for you are always with us,
For the protection of the life of the unborn child, we pray to the Lord,
For families with hardships, that they will rebuild with you as their cornerstone,
For the members of this parish, that we and all those we love shepherd one another well,
For those members of the parish that are newly baptized, confirmed, and who received their first Communion, that Christ's risen glory be their constant inspiration and joy,
We pray to the Lord!
Lord, I pray that I may live my life with gratitude, searching and longing for the wisdom that will help be better serve my brothers and sisters I encounter each day.
Click here for Complete Calendar of St. Days and Feasts then click the Saints name for information about that Saint (choose the month desired)
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Closed for Lunch daily:
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Located at:
202 Edward Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
Parish Office: 302-856-6451
Religious Education: 302-856-0907
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